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When trying to set up the configurable ODBC connector, the QMC shows a red asterisk. When hovering the mouse over the asterisk the following error is displayed:
The same error also shows up in the Directory Service Connector log file:
2015-01-05 10:41:13.8423242 Warning (DSC.DirectoryFramework) Setting up odbcDSP 'odbc://localhost' wasn't successful: Error when trying to make an initial test-search:
ERROR [07002] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2.
During the initialization of the Directory Service Connector, it sends out an initial test search, a "select" statement which asks for the columns that are supposed to be in the table:
select e.entityid, e.entity_name, e.descr, e.email, count(g.memberid) as noGroupMembers from entity
left join groups g on e.entityid = g.groupid
where lcase(e.email) like lcase(?)
group by e.entityid, e.entity_name, e.descr, e.email
If one of the columns is missing or doesn't have the exact correct name, then the Access Driver returns the "Too few parameters" error.
The help text of some versions has an invalid example where there is a "description" column instead of the required "descr".
To resolve this issue, make sure that the Access Database contains all the necessary columns. From the Online help:
The ODBC database has to have two tables, or two views; one for entities and one for groups. The entity table (the name of which is defined by the Entity Table Database Name setting below) has to contain the following fields:
The groups table (the name of which is defined by the Groups Table Database Name setting below) has to contain the following fields, which together create a unique identifier:
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