The United States Government has implemented requirements for software in order to make all of the software it uses easily accessible to people with disabilities. Specifically for access through the web, these requirements primarily target the needs of people with vision impairments who may require special keyboard navigation features and third party Screen Readers to be used with QlikView documents.
Note: Screen Readers are not supported with native QlikView document objects. The QlikView Accessibility Client Extension needs to be used if Screen Readers (e.g. NVDA, JAWS, etc) are needed. See related issue under
When using tabs to make selections in QV12 document, cannot press Enter or space bar to trigger Button actionEnvironment:
To become section 508 compliant, QlikView requires users to access the QlikView applications through AJAX and to have the 508 Accessibility extension installed on the server. The extension has special requirements with regards to the tab index and summary. Both tab index and summary text must be provided in the caption text separated by vertical pipe characters.
Download the extension from
QlikView 508 Compliance and Extension.