A .bat file call qv.exe to run a .qvw application with a macro inside, the result is to export a excel file as a report. This design will have problem in server 2008 Situation as below:
1. When executing the bat file manually it works fine, you will see the excel file result
2. When execute bat file from the Windows task scheduler and running under “Run only when user is logged on”, it will be working fine and the excel file will be exported
Problem: When execute bat file from the Windows task scheduler and running under "Run Whether user is logged on or not” you will have problem, the task will be stopped process after "Task triggered by user" in the history log
There is no problem if you are trying to export as a pdf file.
After some research, this is causing by Excel COM object doesn't work with Interactive mode which program request to bring out the interface in Windows 2008 & 2012 task scheduler.
As this is Microsoft system issue which hard to fix by Qlikview. But this cannot be the final conclusion we have here, if you have same situation and find workaround please inform us by support@qlik.com
If you find this article has mistake please also contact us by support@qlik.com. Thank you!!!!
Create a folder in 32bit system (or two on a 64bit-windows):
Make sure your account has right permission to the folders such as below:
- Add Local Launch and Local Activation permissions to the Microsoft Excel Application DCOM Config.
- Grant "Read & Execute, List folder contents, Read" permissions on the \config\systemprofile\Desktop folder.
- Grant "Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Content, Read, Write" permissions for the account on the following folders:
Check out the link below for full directions.
Note: this seems only can be a workaround in Windows 2008 but not in Windows 2012!!