In QMC there are two different locations that you can set the "Maximum Inactive Session Time" for a document. There is a Global timer for all documents found under the QlikView Server Section of the Management console and the other can be set per document.
The two locations to find the timers are located on the document performance tab ( QMC > Document > User Documents > Performance> Maximum Inactive Session Time) and the other is under Qlikview Server Performance tab(QMC>System>QVS>Performance> Maximum Inactive Session Time), which is also call a "Global" timer.
R&D has determined the rule to set this time. The timer with the smallest value will overrule the others( whether this is a Document setting or Global setting). If you want the document timer to rule, the document setting timer must be set to a smaller value than the global timer. Meaning, if the Global timer is set lower than the document timer, the Global timer will overrule the document settings and vice versa.
This part will be added in QMC - Help:
"Maximum Inactive Session Time" in System>Setup>QlikView Servers>Performance:
"Note! The maximum inactive session time can also be set per document. The session time with the lowest value takes precedence. If the session time entered in this text box is lower than the document session time, the document session time is disregarded."
"Maximum Inactive Session Time" in Documents>User Documents>Server>Performance:
"Note! The maximum inactive session time can also be set on a global level as described in Performance. The session time with the lowest value takes precedence. If the session time entered in this text box is lower than the global session time, the global session time is disregarded."