By default QlikView Publisher is set for high speed PDF printing which may result in perceived lower quality PDFs.
In turn, if it is not set for "high speed" PDF printing, and apparent lower quality is experience, this may be a user perception issue and actually due to the "low speed" setting being enabled.
If low quality is experienced and high quality PDFs which generate bigger files is desired, perform the following:
- Go to Windows Services and stop the QlikView services
- Go to (Windows 2008) C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\QlikTech\QlikViewBatch / (Windows 2003) C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\QlikTech\QlikViewBatch
- Open the settings.ini file for edit in Notepad, and under the [Settings 7] section, add the following on a new line: SlowPrinting=1
- IMPORTANT: The line must be added at the top of the list i.e directly under [Settings 7]
- Start QlikView services
Pdf-printouts with pdf-XChange in QlikView Publisher will now be of higher quality.
Note: Printing will be slower and potentially generate larger files.
If low quality is experienced and SlowPrinting=1 is present in the settings.ini file as described above, this may be a user perception issue and actually due to the "low speed" setting being enabled. Revert the setting to SlowPrinting=0 or remove from the settings.ini file.