When QlikView Server logs
warning or
error events citing a type of "Exception", here are some general definitions:
- "DOC loading: Exception -64" means an operation was aborted.
- "DOC loading: Exception -1" means the qvw file is not found.
- "DOC loading: Exception -2" means the qvw-file is corrupt. Test/verify by opening in QlikView Desktop.
- "DOC loading: Exception -3" represents no access
- "DOC loading: Exception -4" represents no file access
- "DOC loading: Exception -5" means you are out of document sessions
- "DOC loading: Exception -6" means the file is too old
- "DOC loading: Exception 20" means the file was not found (specifically, when qlikview tries to open a document that is undergoing deletion)
- "Exception: Caught ... exception in: .\ChartFunctions.cpp at 2952" means allocated memory exceeded. Most likely related to a problem regarding a calculated dimension.
- "Exception: Caught ... exception in: .\ChartFunctions.cpp at 3038" means possible corrupted document. See resolution below for identification steps. Sometimes occurs in unison with 3673.
- "Exception: Caught ... exception in: .\QStraightTableBox.cpp at 3673" means possible corrupted document. See resolution below for identification steps. Sometimes occurs in unison with 3038.
- "Exception: Caught ... exception in: .\QChart.cpp at 279" is similar to the 3038 and 3673 exceptions, only that it has to do with chart types other than a straight table (i.e. bar or pivot). There are also reports of this issue occurring with documents developed in QlikView 11 and run from a 10 server.
- "Warning Caught ... exception in: .\Chart.cpp at 1137" means this could possibly be related to collaboration objects such as bookmarks. Check UNC paths, FQDNs, file access, and storage mediums.
- "Error: Error: File extdata.cpp, Line 2884" Field name not found. Check logs on database side.
- Exception: Caught ... exception in Document\TB155: QTableBox.cpp at 306 means an exception being thrown while trying to collect the cells or the TableBox for one field in particular. The 306 number is supposed to point out at the line, within the QTableBox.cpp file.
Related articles
Troubleshooting Exception Warnings
Server: An exception (T) occurred in 11.20 SR4/SR5
- Identify the warning and match it with the above definition
- If the warning is not listed, contact QlikView Support with the error
- If the warning is listed, look at possible cause and adjust accordingly.
- For the chart-specific exceptions, identify the document causing the problem and review your objects, their dimensions, and their expressions for possible culprits
A diagnostic article on how to identify and correct some of these exceptions is found here:
Troubleshooting Exception Warnings.
You can identify these apps in the QVS Events logs. They have a "Debug: Opening file" Entry. For example:
- 2012-03-31 12:36:20 2012-05-01 05:03:03 4 500 Information Debug: Opening file \\\WGS COMMITMENTS\WGS - COMMITMENTS.QVW on disk
- 2012-03-31 12:36:20 2012-05-01 05:03:05 4 500 Information Debug: File \\WGS - COMMITMENTS.QVW opened OK
The solution is to isolate the object that is generating the error and re-create it.