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If able to genrate around 1500 PDF's in around 4 hours, is there a way by which can increase the throughtput of the PDF generation and reduce the total time of generation of PDF's to around an hour or two?
It is not only about the data size, it also depends on the report that is being printed. A small application with a 10 page pdf report will take a long time, as will a large application with only 1 page and 1 chart.
It also depends on whether you are using distribute, or loop and reduce. That will make more overhead in terms of cpu and number crunching and if the charts are complex even more time.
For example, a weekly escalation report is a 2 page report that goes to 40 recipients but with no reduction (i.e. no looping). That takes 1 minute. Another report which uses loop and reduce and that takes 20 minutes to create 175 different (reduced) reports.
Throw in reduced email distribution and it will also be slowed down by the mail server response. Bottom line, it’s not super-fast. It’s all based on so many parameters.
Note: Version 11 is supposedly faster. Server manual discusses about how distribution happens in version 11.
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