When you have issues of not receiving developer email alerts after running batch files, please try the following:
Tips to toubleshoot if for some reason the customer/partner are not able make to work the Email alerts. The problem may occur when any of the following conditions are true:
Check if the document reloaded successfully in the Script log. (note: r/ this does only open reloads and close, if the reload fails it won't show an error).
Check if the windows scheduale task runs correctly and executes the batch file correctly.
Could be the " Mail" settings (#1 of resolution) is incorrect in Qlikview Check Email spam.
Some kind of email policy is blocking the email( customer/partner need to check with IT people).
Make sure that the batch file is running on the same machine, were developer that has the "alerts.." settings setup( #2 in resolution) .
Make sure if this is a scheduale batch and uses QV desktop to reload.
Check if in developer, navigate to Settings> User Preferences> Mail and check to make sure the following are completed:
Sender' name
Sender' Address
Servers name
Servers Address
servers Port
Authentication Method (if needed)
2. Make sure that Alerts (tools> alerts...) are set correctly set and as documented in the QlikView Reference Manual (section 17 entitled: Alerts).
3. Make sure that the Email Alert is not sent to spam inbox. You must add the email a trusted email.