Changing how long temporary Excel files are stored on the QlikView Server
Article Number: 000002443 | Last Modified: 2019/10/31
When requesting an export to Excel using the QlikView Ajax client, QlikView Server creates a temporary Excel file on the server. The file will by default be removed after one hour (3600s). This behavior can be changed if required.
By default QlikView Server scans through the temp-folder once an hour and removes all the files that are at least one hour old. This means that a file is stored somewhere between 1 and 2 hours depending on when the file was created in relation to when the latest scanning occurred.
The value you can change is ServerTempSecTimeout (default 3600) which changes both time-values. E.g. if the setting is changed to 1800 (30 minutes) QlikView Server will scan the temp-folder every 30 minutes. Any file that is at least 30 minutes old will be removed.
Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open a QlikView Document using the QlikView Ajax client. 2. Export an Excel file. 3. Check the Excel file being created in \QlikTech\QlikViewServer\Temp Folder
There’s a slight change in the folder hierarchy between QlikView Server 9 and QlikView Server 10. For example the folder “QvPrint” does not exist in QlikView Server 10 and later. This is due to changed behavior when downloading the exported file In QlikView Server 9 the file will be downloaded through HTTP. In QlikView Server 10 and later the file will be streamed.
4. Check after 59 minutes. It should still be there. 5. Check after 2 hours, it shouldn't be there.
To change the default time-limit before the exported file is deleted, do the following:
QlikView Server 11 and later:
Locate the settings.ini file for QlikView Server (C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\QlikViewServer) Edit the file and add the following entry in the [Settings 7] section:
[Settings 7] ServerTempSecTimeout=15
This will poll every 15 seconds and remove any files older than 15s. Adjust this time to suit your own needs.
Additional for QlikView Server 11.20 and later:
Locate the settings.ini file for QlikView Server (C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server) Edit the file and add the following entry in the [Settings 7] section:
[Settings 7] RemoveExcelAfterDownload=1
This will remove the files immediately after download.
Legacy Settings...
QlikView Server 9
Open regedit Locate the key HKLM\Software\Qliktech\Server\Settings 7
Add a new item, ServerTempSecTimeout. Edit the value and set the value for the time-limit for temporary files (for example 15). Note the value is in seconds.
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