Transfer State is an option to transfer the selections from one opened QlikView document to another. You may however experience difficulties utilizing this option if running Internet Explorer 8. The following symptoms may be noticed when using QlikView Plugin in combination with Internet Explorer 8:
Action to open the child document is working
No filters from the parent document is applied
QlikView Developer and QlikView Ajax are both working as expected
Internet Explorer 8 will typically launch a new process when a new tab is opened. By default IE8 will start with two instances of iexplore.exe and grows the number of tab processes as needed based on the amount of available RAM, the number of tabs, the integrity levels for tabs and the number of distinct IE sessions.
This behavior can be changed by the registry key mentioned above.
For more info see:
This is related to a new behavior of Internet Explorer 8. This can be changed by doing the following:
Close any open instances of Internet Explorer
Open Regedit
Locate the following key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\
Add a new DWORD 32bit string named TabProcGrowth
Set the value of the string to 0